- Karekal A1, Stuart S, Mancini M, Swann NC. (2023) Elevated Gaussian Modeled Beta Power in the Cortex Characterizes Aging. Journal of Neurophysiology. In press.
- Schultz KE1, Denning D2, Hufnagel V2, Swann NC. (2023) Stopping a Continuous Movement: A Novel Approach to Investigating Motor Control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. In press.
- Rockhill AP1, Mantovani A3, Stedelin B, Nerison C, Raslan AM, Swann NC. (2022) Stereo-EEG recordings extend known distributions of canonical movement-related oscillations. Journal of Neural Engineering. (in press)
- Schultz KE, Mantell B, Berkman E, Swann NC. (2022) Prepared and Reactive Inhibition in Smokers and Non-Smokers. Behavioural Brain Research. In press.
- Leriche RB2, Jackson N3, Peterson K2, Aspandiar Z2, Hufnagel V2, Swann NC. (2022) Reduced sensorimotor beta dynamics could represent a “slowed movement state” in healthy individuals. Neuropsychologia 172 (29). 108276.
- Mercier MR.,..[26 others including Swann NC]. (2022) Advances in human intracranial electroencephalography research, guidelines and good practices. Neuroimage. Oct 15;260:119438.dio;10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119438
- Rockhill AP, Larson E, Stedelin B, Mantovani A, Raslan AM, Gramfort A, Swann NC. (2022) Intracranial Electrode Localization and Analysis in MNE-Python. Journal of Open Science Software. 7(70), 3897,
- Karekal A, Miocinovic S, Swann NC. (2022). Novel approaches for quantifying beta synchrony in Parkinson’s Disease. Experimental Brain Research.
- Cummins DD, Kochanski RB, Gilron R, Swann NC, Little S, Hammer L, Starr PA. (2021). Chronic sensing of subthalamic local field potentials: comparison of first and second generation implantable bidirectional systems within a single subject. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15:725797. doi: 10.3389/fnins
- Rockhill AP, Raslan AM, Swann NC. (2020). Pd-parser: A tool for Matching Photodiode Deflection Events to Time-Stamped Events. Journal of Open Science Software. 5(54), 2674,
- Jackson N, Cole S, Voytek B, Swann NC. (2019) Characteristics of Waveform Shape in Parkinson’s Disease Detected with Scalp Electroencephalography. eNeuro. DOI:
- Swann NC. (2019) Are we there yet? eLife, 2019;8:e49202
- Miller AM, Miocinovic S, Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Ostrem JL, Starr PA. (2019). Effect of levodopa on electroencephalographic biomarkers of the parkinsonian state. Journal of Neurophysiology. 22(1):290-299.
- Holdgraf C., [and 35 others including Swann NC]. (2019) BIDS-iEEG: an extension to the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) specification for human intracranial electrophysiology. Scientific Data.6(1):103
- Verbruggen F, [and 42 others, including Swann NC]. (2019) Capturing the ability to inhibit actions and impulsive behaviors: A consensus guide to the stop-signal task. eLife. eLife 2019;8:e46323.
- Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Thompson M, Miocinovic S, Miller A, Gilron R, Ostrem J, Chizeck H, Starr PA. (2018). Adaptive deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease using motor cortex sensing. Journal of Neural Engineering. 15 (2018) 046006. *This manuscript was selected for a press release
- Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Miocinovic S, Qasim S, Ostrem J, Galifianakis N, San Luciano M, Wang S, Ziman N, Taylor R, Starr PA. (2018). Chronic multisite brain recording from a totally implantable bidirectional neural interface: experience in five patients with Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neurosurgery. 14:1-12. *This manuscript was highlighted on the cover of the February 2018 issue.
- Miocinovic S, Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Miller AM, Ostrem JL, Starr PA. (2018). Cortical gamma oscillations in isolated dystonia. Parkinsonism Related Disorders pii: S1353-8020(18)30030-0. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2018.01.017.
- Calisi, [and 44 others, including Swann NC.] (2018). The Childcare-Conference Conundrum, and how to solve it. PNAS.
- Miocinovic S, Miller AM, Swann NC, Ostrem JL, Starr PA. (2017). Chronic deep brain stimulation normalizes scalp EEG activity in isolated dystonia. Clinical Neurophysiology 129(2):368-376.
- Miocinovic S, Shoeb AH, Wang S, Byrd EA, Swann NC, Pathak A, Ostrem JL. (2017). Clinical Tremor Severity Estimation Using an Instrumented Eating Utensil. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 7(4)755-759.
- Khanna P, Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Miocinovic S, Miller A, Starr PA, Carmena JM. (2017) Neurofeedback control in Parkinsonian patients using electrocortigraphy signals accessed with a chronic, fully implanted device. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation 25(10):1715-1724.
- Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Miocinovic S, Qasim S, Wang S, Ziman N, Ostrem J, San Luciano M, Galifianakis N, Starr PA. (2016) Gamma oscillations in the hyperkinetic state detected with chronic human brain recordings in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience 36(24):6445-58
- Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Maher R, Stapleton C, Meng L, Gelb A, Starr P. (2016) Motor System Interactions in the Beta Band Decrease during Loss of Consciousness. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 28(1): 84-95.
- de Hemptinne C and Swann NC. (2016). Treating Parkinson’s Disease with Brain Controlled Electrical Stimulation. Frontiers for Young Minds. 4:10. doi: 10.3389/frym.2016.00010
- Qasim S, de Hemptinne C, Swann NC, Miocinovic S, Ostrem J, Starr P. (2016) Electrocorticography reveals desynchronization in the basal ganglia-cortical loop during rest tremor in Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiology of Disease 86(2016): 177-186.
- Panov F, Levin E, de Hemptinne C, Swann NC, Qasim S, Miocinovic S, Ostrem J, Starr P. (2016) Intraoperative electrocorticography for physiological research in movement disorders: principals and experience in 200 cases. Journal of Neurosurgery 126(1):122-131.
- Rossi PJ, Gunduz A, Judy J, Wilson L, [and 46 others, including Swann NC.] (2016). Proceedings of the Third Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies. Frontiers in Neuroscience 6;10:119. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00119. eCollection. Review.
- Swann NC, de Hemptinne C, Aron A, Ostrem J, Knight R, MD, Starr P. (2015) Elevated Synchrony in Parkinson’s Disease Detected with Electroencephalography. Annals of Neurology 78(5), 742-750.
- Rowland NC, de Hemptinne C, Swann NC, Qasim S, Miocinovic S, Ostrem J, Knight RT, Starr PA. (2015) Task-related activity in sensorimotor cortex in Parkinson’s disease: compensatory changes in beta and gamma bands. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9,512.
- de Hemptinne C, Swann NC, Ostrem J, Ryapolova-Webb E, San Luciano M, Galifianakis NB, Starr P. (2015) Therapeutic deep brain stimulation reduces cortical phase amplitude coupling in Parkinson’s disease. Nature Neuroscience 18(5): 77-86.
- Swann NC and Greenhouse I. (2014) Stop! How We Inhibit Acts. Frontiers for Young Minds 2:7. Doi 10.3389/frym.2014.00007 *This article was also later re-published in Scientific American.
- Swann NC, Tandon N, Pieters TA, Aron AR. (2013) Intracranial Electroencephalography Reveals Different Temporal Patters of Dorsal- and Ventro-lateral Prefrontal Cortex in Preparing to Stop Action. Cerebral Cortex 23: 2479-88.
- Swann NC, Cai W, Conner RC, Pieters TA, Claffey MP, George JS, Aron AR, Tandon N. (2012) Roles for the presupplementary motor area and the right inferior frontal gyrus in stopping action: electrophysiological responses and functional and structural connectivity. Neuroimage 59: 2860-2870.
- Swann NC, Poizner H, Houser M, Gould S, Greenhouse I, Cai W, Strunk J, George J, Aron AR. (2011) Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus alters the cortical profile of response inhibition in the beta frequency band: a scalp EEG study in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience 31: 5721-5729.
- Swann NC, Tandon N, Canolty R, Ellmore TM, McEvoy LK, Dreyer S, DiSano M, Aron AR. (2009) Intracranial EEG reveals a time- and frequency-specific role for the right inferior frontal gyrus and primary motor cortex in stopping initiated responses. Journal of Neuroscience 29(40): 12675-12685.
- Hales JB, Israel SL, Swann NC, Brewer JB. (2009) Dissociation of frontal and medial temporal lobe activity in maintenance and binding of sequentially presented paired associates. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(7): 1244-1254.
- Schultz KE, Denning D, Hufnagel V, Swann NC. Stopping a Continous Movement: A Novel Approach to Investigating Motor Control. bioRxiv
- Rockhill AP, Mantovani A3, Stedelin B, Raslan AM, Swann NC. Classification of movement-related oscillations with machine learning.